All Boards Week 17 Grade 2 EVS Lesson Plan_School

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This land that gives us a place to live, a place to expand our knowledge, gives a great platform to represent ourselves. It gives an identity to show that we belong to this particular nation. Its government does everything which we want. They give equal opportunity to everyone in establishing their own workplace. By this, we can say that, that our country is our identity and we should respect our identity in this whole world so we need to know about the country we live in.

Course Timeline:
The teacher will explain the PDF Our Country. While reading, stop and ask questions and conduct an interactive read-aloud with the class to guide understanding.
Write the question and answers on the board but has to be discussed and then done.
The teacher must explain the meaning of monuments and their importance.
Write the question and answers on the board instruct them to copy correctly and neatly.
The students are not aware of the continents this is new for the kids please explain and guide them.
Our country, Exercises Life activity worksheet, Notebook work, Historical Monuments,Exercises Life activity worksheet , Notebook work,

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